Currently Browsing: feathers

It’s Almost Time for the Tree!

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, my thoughts are turning toward Christmas. It’s almost time to decorate the tree! As part of my family’s tradition, we pile up smoked oysters, pickles, crackers and little smoked sausages on a tray (a tribute to my Norwegian grandfather’s taste in food) and turn up the Christmas music. […]


Gloria Christmas Ornament & Garland

Cheri, one of our designers, created this eclectic angel, which can be used both as an ornament and as a garland. Hook and eye clasps enable the garland to easily detach from the angel so you can choose to hang the ornament and garland separately on your tree or display them as a unified […]


Sterling John

Fishing was always an important part of my life growing up in Alaska, but it wasn’t until just a couple of years ago that I discovered a passion for fly fishing. Perhaps it’s the closeness to nature, the required knowledge of local entomology (science of bugs), or the enjoyment I find in tying flies, which […]